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Individual Membership

Athletes have long understood the power of psychology in managing setbacks, preparing for events, or striving for new heights.

We think you do too. 


Challenges in life may not be new, but there is compelling evidence that we can do better in how we approach them.   Harnessing decades of experience, the best of science, and the accessibility of technology,  we've created YourStory.


Powerful stories, pragmatic strategies and inspiring content on mental health, leadership and life are delivered direct to your inbox or through our comprehensive resource hub. 

Generic workshops, standard professional development, and traditional Employee Assistance Programs aren’t for you.  Experience, accessibility the responsiveness of a high touch partner is.

What Will You Benefit From? 

Pragmatic, expert suggestions to help with personal, family, professional life and high performance.


  • Increased personal, team and family insights

  • Powerful learning and development 

  • Proactive Wellbeing Check ins and customised report

  • Extensive resource hub with videos, power tips, blogs, webinars and recommendations

  • Email, text or video questions for micro-consultancy

  • Optional assessments such as complex mental health profiles, leadership and personality profiling


  • Optional 1-1 coaching and psychology sessions

What's Included

YourStory Individual is perfect for individuals. YourStory Company, offers the YourStory (Individual) product to employees + Company features such as communications, company-wide check-ins, and stakeholder engagement.

Stories & Actionable Insights

Our extensive experience delivers professional highly impactful content across Psychology, Leadership & High Performance 

  • Bite Sized Development 

  • Exclusive Vlogs and Performance Insights

  • Weekly, actionable performance strategies

Wellbeing Checkin & Assessments

For when you want to take the next step but aren't sure where to start

  • Unlimited Wellbeing Check ins and customised report 

  • Additional Assessments and Profiling Insights
    (pay per use advanced complex mental health assessments and personality profiling)

Optional Services Available to Add

30min + 60min Psychologist Sessions 1:1

Advanced Assessments for World class leadership 360 feedback, personality profiling, EQ + Debrief the results.

Micro Consultancy

Bridging the gap between just getting an article and having a coach. Someone to talk with you, chat, make suggestions and see and guide how you're tracking.

Here's a glimpse

Let's Get Started

Signing Up


Choose 'Select'. You'll be prompted for your personal details, and payment details.


The min. membership period is 3 months, after that, you're free to cancel any time. The monthly fee will be dedicated automatically.   

Next Steps


You'll receive a Welcome & Onboarding pack with a guide to Performance Story, how to get the most from it, how to engage when you need it. You'll also receive a link to take the Wellbeing Assessment.



Contact Us via the button below, or email us at

Best Value

YourStory Individual



Every month

Valid until canceled



Micro Consulting (Ask Us)

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Performance Story acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as Australia’s First People and Traditional Custodians. We pay our respects to Elders past and present and emerging and are committed to providing services that are respectful and culturally aware.

  • LinkedIn

Registered to Performance Story Pty Ltd. ACN  32 652 209 053.  See our Privacy Statement.

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