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Image by Samantha Gades

Clinicom Report

About the Clinicom Assessment


Clinicom is one of the world’s most advanced clinical assessment profiles. It is ideal for clients, and/or their GPs  who feel they are experiencing psychological challenges but are unsure where to start.


What does it assess?


The report assesses over 80 different psychological conditions, giving the client and psychologist a ‘thermal imaging’ map of the areas most identified to be contributing to poor mental health or difficulties in functioning.  An example may include ‘hotspots’ in ADHD/Attention, Generalised Anxiety and Post Traumatic Stress, for example. 


Is it accredited?


The items used are the gold standard for assessment, used by the Australian and American Psychological Societies as listed in the DSM5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual) and the ICD-10 (International classification of Diseases).  


Does it give me a diagnosis?


The Clinicom report provides an extremely detailed map, known as a “decision support tool”. It is not called a diagnosis because GPs, Psychologists and Psychiatrists need to interview clients and ensure the signs and symptoms are put into context.  


However the report is extremely helpful for you to present to your GP to map out all the contributing factors and results in a way they cannot usually gather in an appointment.


Who should complete the assessment?


The assessment is comprehensive and is only recommended when there is concern or cause.  For example, when there are multiple or complex concerns with mood, attention, anxiety or social functioning.  A client may feel ‘anxious’, and the report may specify it is more specifically Panic and/or Obsessive Compulsive in nature.  Clients under 16 are not generally recommended to complete the assessment.


What happens next?


You will be sent an online, secure link.  The report takes approximately 30 minutes and is intensive to complete. You can pause and come back to it as many times as you like before completing.  If you find it distressing to answer any questions you should discontinue and let us know.  We will schedule a 30 minute online appointment to ensure you understand the results, and any limitations and can help by sending the report directly to your GP if you prefer, or email the report to you following the session.


If you are unsure or have any questions, please email us and we will be pleased to talk through your needs.

Best Value

Clinicom Comprehensive Assessment



This world first assessment creates a thermal imaging map of 90 variables and conditions, to help make decisions to guide treatment decisions or give to your GP.

Valid for 3 months

Clinical Profiling

30min 1:1 Video Debrief Session

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