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Frequently Asked Questions


How is the Service billed? Performance Story operates on a yearly subscription fee and an agreed 'pay for use' model for specific services. Pay-for-use services might include additional training, complex assessments, or the number of people and specialist coaching sessions.

Does Performance Story service all our people, or only Executives? Performance Story is designed to address both needs. For executives and senior leaders, there's a top-tier service with its own access code and response times. We also offer a new-generation, high-touch experience addressing the mental health and high-performance needs and goals of entire organisations.

How big or small do we need to be? No size is too big or small. Sometimes it will be executive teams of 5-15 people, sometimes their direct reports, and sometimes organisations of up to 15,000 people. We also support individuals with a Chairperson's- Lounge type service, such as professionals who may not work in large teams - Doctors, Lawyers, and Entrepreneurs.

How do I talk to my team about the cost vs return on investment? When your team is operating at peak performance, the benefits for individuals, groups, shareholders and the bottom line are tangible and significant. Performance Story can talk you through how to calculate your Return on Investment.

Is this like an EAP? One of the mindset shifts between traditional EAPs, and Performance Story, is this. On average, only 4% of people use their company service (and almost none of them are executives). Choosing your specialist, short, long and single session appointments, proactive mental health programs through to advanced clinical assessment tools, profiling, and better treatment matching are some ways we are different - not to mention hand-selected leaders in high-performance coaching. It's one of Australia's best teams on the bench for you whenever you need them.

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